An incident in October has led to the arrest of one woman for suspected drunkenness, according to local sources. Waynesboro authorities detained a woman outside a hospital who was observed by a Pennsylvania Gaming Commission officer to allegedly display symptoms of drunkenness. She now faces several charges of drunk driving and child endangerment. She was due to appear in court on Jan. 23.
According to the police report, around 9:30 p.m. the night of Oct. 20, 2017, a 31-year-old woman arrived at a local hospital to pick up another man being overseen by the gaming officer. In filling out the paperwork, the officer said the woman appeared disoriented, dropping several cards and fumbling with paperwork. He also alleged he could smell alcohol on her breath.
After noticing a young child in her vehicle, the officer inquired as to the woman’s state of sobriety. The woman allegedly told the officer she had consumed four alcoholic drinks prior to leaving for the hospital. The woman was taken into custody and subjected to a blood test, which allegedly came back positive for alcohol, methamphetamines and marijuana. It is unclear whether she is free on bail or still in custody at this time, and any relation between her and the child in her vehicle has not been made public.
Drunk driving and child endangerment charges can have a profound and lasting impact on the life of an accused individual. Pennsylvania law imposes harsh penalties on those who drive under the influence, which can result in jail time, fines and the loss of a driver’s license. The support of an experienced defense attorney in building a comprehensive case for her innocence will be paramount for this accused woman.
Source:, “Waynesboro woman charged for DUI while a child was in the car“, Becky Metrick, Jan. 6, 2018